Counseling - Seminary

Counseling - Seminary

Bethel Seminary provides two resources for students who desire academic or personal counseling:

  • Professional Counseling: Confidential counseling is available for seminary students dealing with issues of stress, relationships, sense of call, emotional well-being, and much more. Students may access the Office of Counseling Services by calling 651.635.8540. The Seminary provides up to six sessions at no fee through Counseling Services. If the student and counselor agree that further work would be helpful, additional sessions can be arranged for a small fee.

  • Short-Term Counseling: Jeff Sanders, the Associate Dean of Formation and Professional Development, has a limited number of counseling hours available for students free of charge. He can be contacted directly at 651.635.8524.

  • The Office of Formation and Professional Development can also provide referrals and subsidies to competent therapists outside of Bethel. Six sessions can be subsidized up to $85 a session. If a student has mental health benefits through his/her personal health insurance plan, these benefits can also be applied to cover costs. Students can gain referrals to therapists who charge on a sliding scale, which varies depending on income and life situation. 

Contact Jeff Sanders, Associate Dean of Formation and Professional Development (j-sanders@bethel.edu; 651.635.8524).

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