Parking - Seminary

Parking - Seminary

Vehicle Registration

All Seminary students who plan to visit the main campus (3900 Bethel Drive) are required to display a parking permit on their vehicle.

Students must apply for a permit online using this form. The permit will be mailed to the mailing address on file.

Parking Regulations

  • Bethel is a pedestrian-friendly campus; please be aware of pedestrians, bikers, in-line skaters, etc. Drivers must give pedestrians the right of way.
  • Due to Bethel’s limited parking, inoperable vehicles may not be stored on campus. If your vehicle should happen to break down, contact Security and Safety immediately at the phone number above to prevent ticketing.
  • Parking is only permitted in a designated parking space.
  • Parked cars that are being loaded or unloaded in a restricted parking zone are limited to 10 minutes and are required to use emergency flashers. Violators will be ticketed, immobilized, and/or towed.
  • Parking in fire lanes is prohibited by the State of Minnesota and Bethel regulations. This offense is subject to immediate towing.
  • Parking on roadways, grassy areas, sidewalks, and past the end of a row in the parking lots is prohibited.
  • The State of Minnesota prohibits parking in a designated handicap parking space without a state permit. This offense is subject to immediate towing and will be strongly enforced.
  • Parking in a designated visitor or reserved space by a Bethel community member is prohibited and will result in ticketing, immobilization, and/or towing.

For questions about parking, contact the Safety and Security office:

Main Campus Office: HC103


Parking Permits | Bethel University

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