COVID-Related Policies - GS

COVID-Related Policies - GS

 Safety Protocols

The university is working to ensure that all those who come to campus have reasonable protections against COVID-19. Toward that end, we are

  • Providing hand sanitizer at many locations
  • Requiring that masks be worn on campus in public spaces and in the classroom. All students will be provided with two masks upon request via the Campus Store.
  • Reducing classroom capacities to ensure that social distancing will be practiced
  • Requiring all who come to campus be screened for COVID symptoms and exposure. Those who are symptomatic or who have recently been less than 6 feet away from a COVID-positive individual for 15 or more minutes will not be allowed on campus.
  • Asking that students wipe their desks and chairs with cleaning materials before class
  • Allowing students who are concerned about coming to class to make arrangements with a professor to learn virtually (Note: for some programs, face-to-face instruction is a professional requirement and virtual learning may not be an option)

Students who should not attend class because they are at higher risk or live with someone who is at higher risk must contact the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services. OARS can be reached at 651-638-6833 or via email sent to accessibility-services@bethel.edu.


Although people differ on their opinions about the use of masks, personal preference or opinion is not a consideration while on Bethel’s campus. Professors who see students without masks in their classes may tell the students that they must put on masks. If students are unwilling to comply, their behavior may be addressed through the Unprofessional Conduct Incident process listed in student handbooks.

We know that some people have health-related concerns about wearing masks. Those individuals must seek and receive formal accommodation through the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services (651-638-6833 or accessibility-services@bethel.edu).


Because we are still learning how to live in a COVID-affected world, behavioral expectations and requirements may change. We may learn that we need to move some or all face-to-face classes online. If we must make changes, we will let you know and we ask that you seek to be flexible as you adjust to any challenges.

Our goal in making these changes is to protect you while providing you with an excellent and uninterrupted education. If you have questions or concerns about these changes, please share those with your student success advisor.

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