

Bringing Family to Campus

Given our reduced capacity limits in many areas at 3900 and the Anderson Center, until further notice, in general, Bethel will not allow employees to have visitors (e.g., friends, family, children, etc.) at either site, unless the employee lives on campus. Note that this also includes not bringing children to work with you.

However, if the K-12 school dynamics cause significant childcare issues, rare exceptions to this policy may be made on a case-by-case basis. Faculty should contact their associate provost and staff should contact their supervisor. If permission is granted, children must pass the health screening questions and follow the university's mask and social distancing policies.

In order to prioritize our limited space for students, in no instances should children use the dining facilities or other common student areas.

General Campus Visitor Policy

Visitors will be asked to answer health screening questions at the 3900 Campus security gate or Anderson Center front desk.

The campus visitor policy forbids visits from persons who have had known exposure to persons with COVID-19 within the past 14 days, or who are exhibiting symptoms of illness consistent with COVID-19.

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