Phased Back to Work Plan

Phased Back to Work Plan

Reopening Phases

Group 1

Tentative return: June 1

Group 2

Tentative return: July 1

Group 3

Tentative return: August 1

Group 4

Continue remote work through at least fall semester

Consistent with the State of Minnesota’s direction, we gradually began allowing more employees back on campus using a phased group approach this summer. A fourth group will remain working remotely through the fall semester. Our reopening criteria were created by gathering feedback from supervisors, managers, directors, deans, ELT, and Cabinet with the goal of returning employees to campus in a manner that ultimately best serves our students while providing a safe working environment.

Department heads informed employees which group they are in and can clarify in what instances they are allowed to come to campus. We recognize that personal situations may prevent employees from returning on the start date noted for their group. While ID card access to campus will be activated on the start date for each employee’s group, employees do not have to return to work by that date if their personal situation prevents them from doing so, e.g., lack of childcare. Employees should work with their supervisors to develop a plan to return to work. 

Accommodations will be made for those in a vulnerable group or those who live with someone who falls in a vulnerable group.

Depending on the configuration of the department space, department heads and supervisors also have the flexibility to use one or more of the following options to ensure proper social distancing:

  • Staggered work days on campus
  • Staggered start and end times
  • Various combinations of on-campus and remote work
  • Use of “swing” space

If one or more of these options is desired, department heads should propose a plan for review by human resources at bethelhr@bethel.edu.

GROUP 1 Criteria: Option to return to campus occasionally beginning June 1

  • All faculty so they can adequately prepare for summer or fall classes or conduct summer research.
  • Students who are working with faculty on summer research.
  • Student workers whose work cannot be done remotely.
  • Staff whose functions:
    • Must be done on campus and/or where work is meaningfully affected by working on-campus.  
    • Include enrollment and recruiting which require a physical presence on campus to facilitate physical enrollment events.
    • Support students for both the spring and fall semester that require a physical presence on campus.

Staff position examples include, but are not limited to: select enrollment counselors, enrollment operations, and advancement personnel, all bookstore and instructional media staff, head coaches, and the president’s office. 

GROUP 2 Criteria: Option to return to campus occasionally beginning July 1

Staff whose functions:

  • Must be done with some regularity on campus (e.g., dealing with US mail, physical files, etc.)
  • Require them to be physically present before the rest of the community arrives in August to support a return to face-to-face operations for the fall.

Staff position examples include, but are not limited to: additional enrollment counselors, fall sport assistant coaches, academic deans, and select academic support, financial aid, registrar, university library, student life, human resources, and administrative staff.

GROUP 3 Criteria: Option to return to campus as needed beginning August 1

Staff whose functions require them to be physically present to support a return to face-to-face operations for the fall.

Staff position examples include, but are not limited to: remaining staff not in groups 1 or 2 who are not in group 4.

GROUP 4 Criteria: Continue remote work throughout at least the fall semester

Staff whose functions can continue to be performed remotely and are not meaningfully affected by working remotely. Periodic access to campus would be allowed.

Staff position examples include, but are not limited to: select advancement, business office, ITS, marketing, registrar, CAPS/Seminary/GS academic development and operations, and administrative leadership and support staff.