Hotline (Royal Care) - CAPS

Hotline (Royal Care) - CAPS

Main Campus Office: RC353  ask-royal-care@bethel.edu

651.638.6530 (800.255.8706, ext. 6530)

If students have concerns or problems, the first step is to seek a solution by talking with their professor (for academic issues) or contacting the CAPS office (for administrative issues) at 651.635.8000 (800.255.8706, ext. 8000). In cases where the problem has not been resolved satisfactorily, contact the Royal Care Hotline at 651.638.6530, or 800.255.8706, ext. 6530 from Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The Royal Care Council offers the Hotline to make its “Royal Care” services both accessible and expedient. The issues identified via the Hotline are tracked to help the council recognize broad campus issues it should address. For example, a pattern of complaints, concerns, and questions may suggest the need for a policy change or a more systematic approach to providing a solution.

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