Harassment Policy - CAPS

Harassment Policy - CAPS

Faculty, administration, staff, and students are responsible for maintaining an educational and working environment that is harmonious with Bethel’s mission and program as a Christian learning community. Verbal or physical harassment of any member of the Bethel community based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, or disability destroys that harmony. Such misconduct is a violation of Bethel policy and of state and federal law. While the goal of Bethel’s sexual, racial and ethnic harassment and disability discrimination policies is to bring reconciliation and restoration of relationships, appropriate action—educational or disciplinary, including suspension or dismissal—will be taken against any person found to have violated such a policy. Incidents will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Related Policies and Resources:

Policy Contact:

Cara Horstman

Title IX Coordinator & Compliance Specialist

Bethel University

