Racial and Ethnic Harassment - GS

Racial and Ethnic Harassment - GS

Bethel University is also committed to principles that enable the educational and professional enhancement of men and women of all ethnic and racial groups. Bethel seeks to emphasize the importance of being an authentically diverse community in pursuit of growth, awareness, and appreciation of both our own diversity as well as that which exists in the broader world.

Bethel is committed to maintaining a Christ-centered community, free of discrimination, including harassment based on race or ethnicity and all forms of racial intimidation. Accordingly, Bethel will not tolerate racial or ethnic harassment by or of its students, faculty, or staff. To the extent practicable, Bethel will also attempt to protect the Bethel community from harassment based on race or ethnicity by its vendors, consultants, and other third parties who interact with us.

This policy is designed to encourage persons who believe that they have experienced such harassment or have witnessed harassment of another community member to bring the conduct to the attention of appropriate individuals so that Bethel can take prompt corrective action. Bethel will take prompt corrective action against any harassment based on race or ethnicity by or of its students, faculty, or staff. All Bethel community members are directed to abide by this policy.

All complaints will be taken seriously and no one who acts in good faith to report harassment, including third parties (e.g., vendors), will suffer retaliation or reprisal.

This is a policy summary only. The complete Racial and Ethnic Harassment Policy is available at: Racial and Ethnic Harassment Policy

Contact Cara Horstman, Title IX Coordinator, with primary responsibility for oversight and enforcement of this Policy, as well as identifying and addressing any systematic problems that arise during the review of complaints. Cara Horstman may be contacted at 612.322.8908 or title-ix@bethel.edu.

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