Sexual Misconduct - GS

Sexual Misconduct - GS

Bethel University and the Bethel University Foundation (hereinafter referred to as Bethel) are committed to maintaining a Christ-centered community, free of discrimination, including sexual harassment, sexual violence, and sexual misconduct in all of its forms. Bethel prohibits domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Bethel will not tolerate sexual misconduct by or against its students, faculty, or staff. In addition, visitors, volunteers, vendors, consultants, third parties, or any person that provides services to Bethel are required to comply with the provisions of this policy. All community members must comply with this policy, whether on campus or off campus, when engaged in activities sponsored by Bethel, or otherwise related to Bethel or its business. Such activities include, but are not limited to classes, seminars, meetings, and study abroad programs.

All employees are required to report any instance of sexual harassment, sexual violence, and sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator. The only exception to being a mandatory reporter is if one is a confidential resource. Confidential resources are:

Counseling Services               Campus Ministries                    Health Services

651.635.8540                         651.638.6372                            651.638.6215

 The purposes of this policy include:

  • Prohibiting all forms of sexual misconduct 
  • Creating a work environment that is free from sexual misconduct 
  • Encouraging good faith complaints when sexual misconduct has occurred
  • Providing options for addressing and resolving complaints of sexual misconduct

All incoming students and new employees are required to attend a program on primary prevention and awareness. Persons who believe that they have experienced sexual misconduct or have witnessed sexual misconduct of another community member are expected to bring the conduct to the attention of appropriate individuals so that Bethel can take prompt corrective action. Bethel will take prompt corrective action against any sexual misconduct by or against its community members. All Bethel community members are directed to implement and abide by the procedures outlined in this policy.

All complaints will be taken seriously and no one who acts in good faith to report sexual misconduct, including third parties (e.g., vendors), will suffer actual or threatened retaliation or reprisal. Complaints of sexual misconduct will be treated in confidence to the extent feasible, given the need to conduct a thorough investigation and take corrective action. If it is determined through an appropriate and prompt investigation that sexual misconduct has occurred, effective corrective action will be taken to eliminate the sexual misconduct, attempt to ensure that it does not recur, and appropriately care for those who may have been harmed. Depending on circumstances and the severity of the conduct, corrective action will vary. Resolution steps could include one or more of the following for students: counseling, advising or coaching from student life or campus ministry professionals, reflection paper, behavioral probation, suspension, dismissal, or expulsion. For employees resolution steps could include one or more of the following: counseling, training, advising or coaching from a professional, verbal or written warning, or termination.

The complete Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedure is available at: Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures

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