Textbooks - CAPS

Textbooks - CAPS

Contact: academic-operations-caps-sem@bethel.edu

651.635.8001 (800.255.8706, ext. 8001)

Adult students may order course books through Barnes & Noble College, one of the largest distributors of used and new books in the nation. It maintains a list of Bethel courses and materials and has worked with Bethel to provide you free shipping. You can order your books online up to 45 days before a semester begins at bncvirtual.com/bethel or call 800.325.3252. Orders may also be faxed to 800.499.0143, using the order form found at bncvirtual.com on the home page, under Mail-in Order Form. Used books (both digital and rental), offered at a savings, may be available. Students may also choose to order their books through a different vendor.

Ordering Textbooks

  1. Access: Visit bncvirtual.com or enter through MyBethel (must be a registered student). From My.Bethel home page → Tools & Resources → Textbook Orders (MBS)
  2. Ordering: Once you are at the Bethel University Virtual Bookstore home page, complete the following steps:
    • Choose which term or semester you are ordering for under Select Term.
    • Click on the appropriate course level.
    • Select your course(s). Three slots are displayed by default; if you are ordering books for more than three courses, select 'Add Another Course'.
    • Click on 'View Your Materials'.

You will now see all the books required for this course along with any options for new or used books (Marketplace), buying or renting, print or digital, etc. The book ordering web page will now lead you through the rest of your order and ask for all pertinent information regarding shipping and payments. 

Price Matching

Barnes & Noble College will also match prices with brick-and-mortar or online retailers. Click here for more information on this program.

You must use a credit card to place your order.

We want your experience with ordering texts online to be a satisfactory process and encourage you to contact academic-operations-caps-sem@bethel.edu with any problems or concerns you may have using the virtual bookstore. It is important to note that neither our office nor the Bethel Campus Store maintains a CAPS and GS textbook inventory, so all your book orders must be placed through the virtual bookstore or with another supplier of your choice.

Students receive free UPS Ground shipping on all orders. Order your books at least two weeks prior to your next class so you receive your texts in adequate time and will not have to pay shipping costs for priority shipping. Textbooks for a given term are available on the site as soon as 45 days before the start of the term. If you have your class schedule finalized, we recommend ordering your books for the entire term in advance.

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