Rec Sports
Rec Sports
Rec Sports will have new guidelines and accountability for operations and management. Social distancing, accountability, and scope of the sport will be evaluated prior to participation.
Currently approved for fall:
Disc golf, badminton, cornhole, pickleball, 5k running, bowling (pending approved facility).
- Rec Sports have typically offered several sports considered higher risk (dodgeball, basketball, volleyball) but will shift toward lower-risk offerings this fall.
- Each offering listed above falls in the low-risk category as defined by the Minnesota Department of Health with the exception of bowling and doubles pickleball, which fall into the medium-risk category.
- The majority of the offerings are outdoor activities. This seems to be increasingly effective to mitigate risk.
- Student workers will disinfect any shared implement before another participant uses it.
- Each participant will sign up through IMLeagues (registration program used by Bethel Rec Sports). As part of the sign-up process, participants must read through social distancing and face covering requirements per Bethel University and agree to the requirements prior to participation.
- IMLeagues will track membership and attendance of each participant on a given day to assist contact tracing if necessary.
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