Wellness Center (WLC)
Wellness Center (WLC)
Workout policies and procedures:
- All patrons must use the WLC app to sign up for one of several spots in a pod that will be running on 75-minute intervals throughout each weekday.
- At this point, we anticipate that each pod will contain 40 people, with 20 people on the lower floor and 20 on the upper floor at any given time.
- All participants will keep 6 feet of social distancing at all times.
- Face covering guidelines—specific to when actively exercising—will be posted in the WLC. Face coverings are mandatory when entering and exiting the WLC and when moving from station to station within the space.
- All participants will have their own individual workout space.
- Each participant will be the sole user of their unique space and its equipment during their workout period. No equipment will be shared unless permission has been given by a WLC staff member who will then regulate proper disinfecting of the machine.
- Each participant will be able to work out for up to 90 minutes but can leave at any time.
- Patrons will be expected to clean their station at the conclusion of their workout prior to leaving.
- At the conclusion of each 75-minute pod, WLC staff will close the facility and conduct a 15-minute cleaning session.
- Each person should bring their own water bottle to limit exposure at fountains.
- Locker room capacity will be limited, so plan to arrive dressed for your workout and shower at your residence.
- Digital temperature checks below 100.4 degrees F will be required to enter the facility.
- High-risk populations are encouraged to consider delaying usage of WLC services.
Users are encouraged to participate in self-check screenings/temperature checks daily.
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