Athletic Courts
Athletic Courts
Athletic courts (indoor and outdoor)
- Students are expected to follow the guidelines that are posted on various athletic courts across campus. This includes basketball courts, volleyball courts, and tennis courts, the gym, and the SRC.
- Students are expected to follow CDC guidelines and practice physical distancing related to strenuous activities in indoor spaces.
- Hand sanitizer stations will be provided in entrance areas to recreational spaces. Everyone is encouraged to sanitize their hands before and after touching door handles when entering and exiting the spaces to keep door handles and shared equipment (basketballs, for example) clean. Students should not touch their faces while engaged in recreational activities.
- Face covering guidelines will need to be followed.
Disc Golf Course
- Students are permitted to use the disc golf course and should do so in groups of fewer than 10 and maintain social distancing per the CDC guidelines.
- Students should only touch their own discs before, during, and after games.
- Frequent hand sanitizing is encouraged.
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