Record Searches

SEARCH FIRST - Before a user creates a new record for a person or organization, the user must conduct a thorough search to prevent creation of a duplicate id record.   Banner ID and name searches are the initial basic searches to ensure the person or organization does not already exist in the Banner database.   Additional Argos searches should be conducted using any available secondary data such as street address, email address, and telephone number.  At least three searches are highly recommended to prevent duplicate records.  Thorough searching may take a few minutes to perform, but fixing duplicate records may take hours.

2.1 ID Search

Enter the ID number and press enter.

Note:  ID numbers beginning with a ‘C’ or ‘V’ are for exclusive use by the Business Office.  However, each ‘C’ and ‘V’ id has a corresponding general id record with identical digits for use by all modules.

2.2 Person Searches

Banner Person Name Search 1

  • In the key block area of APAIDEN, click on the three dots to the right of the ID field, then select “Person Search.”
  • Key in the first few letters from the last name followed by a "%".
  • Optional - key in the first letter or two from the first name followed by a "%".
  • Press F8 to query.
  • Find the desired name in the list displayed and double-click on that ID number to select.

Banner Person Name Search 2

  • Clear any data in the ID field and <TAB> to the Name field.
  • Key in the first few letters of the last name, followed by a “%”, a comma, a space, the first letter or two of the first name, and another “%.”
  • Press ENTER.

When more than one matching id record exists a popup window appears.  The number of matches displays in the upper right corner of the popup.  Additional criteria, such as city and state, may then be added to further filter the search.  Press F8 to execute additional filters.

Search Example 1


Dennis Redmond

Query as

Redmond, D% or just Redmond%

Search Example 2


John McDonald


M%c%Donald returns:    McDonald (without spaces)

                                        Mc Donald (with spaces)

                                        MacDonald (without spaces)

                                        Mac Donald (with spaces)

Note: Some names have unique spellings. Use wildcards plentifully!

Search Example


Fergason, Furgason,  or Fergusen

Query as



  • Search for both full and common versions of names. (e.g. William and Bill; Lawrence and Larry)
  • Do not include the middle name or initial in your search, it blocks the Banner search.

2.3 Non Person Name Searches

Banner Non-Person Name Search 1

  • In the key block area of APAIDEN, click on the three dots to the right of the ID field, then select “Non-Person Search.”
  • Key in the first few letters from the organization name followed by a "%".
  • Press F8 to query.
  • Find the desired name in the displayed list and double-click on that ID number to select.

Banner Non-Person Name Search 2

  • Clear any data in the ID field and <TAB> to the Name field.
  • Key in a “%”, the portion of the organization name in which you’re confident of the spelling, followed by another “%.”
  • Press ENTER.

 When more than one id matches a popup window will indicate the number of matches.  Additional criteria, such as city and state, may then be added to further filter the search.  Press F8 key to execute the additional filtering.

2.4 Argos Searches

Argos searches are located in the Banner Search folder.  All Argos users should have access to that folder.

Person Address Search
  • Enter the street address, city, state and/or zip.
  • Click on the “Begin Search” button.
Person Email Search
  • Enter the email address.  All types are searched.
  • Click on the “Begin Search” button.
Person Name with Address Search
  • Enter either the first part of the last name or the entire last name (wildcards are not needed).
  • Click on the “Begin Search” button.
  • Matching names are displayed with corresponding addresses for browsing.
Person Telephone Search
  • Enter in the telephone area code and telephone number.
  • Click on the “Begin Search” button.