Seminary Faculty Committees

Seminary Faculty Committees

Transregional Committees

  •  Academic Operations Team (AOT): This committee, composed of representatives from St. Paul and San Diego, provides transregional operational leadership. The purpose is to identify, assess, and solve clearly defined problems associated with programmatic implementation plans, strategies, policies, procedures, and actions.
  •  Academic Programs Committee (APC): Composed of administration, faculty, and student representatives, this committee is charged with reviewing, evaluating, and approving recommendations associated with academic program implementation, policy, evaluation, assessment, and accreditation.
  •  Doctor of Ministry Committee (DMC): This committee oversees policies, procedures, admissions, and requirements in relation to the Doctor of Ministry degree are reviewed and determined.
  • Integration and Contextualization Committee: This committee supports faculty development around conceptual integration between biblical and theology foundations, spiritual and personal formation, and transformational leadership. It supports the student learning outcome goal of preparing students to integrate these domains of student learning with each other and to apply these domains in unique ministry contexts.
  •  Promotion, Tenure, and Sabbatical Committee: This faculty-led committee works with the Vice President and Dean to manage the processes for promotion, tenure (including retenure), and sabbatical (including one-course professional development release) of tenured and tenure-track faculty members.
  •  Seminary Diversity Committee: This committee of faculty and administrators reviews evidence of the cultural preparedness of the Seminary community, recommends policy improvements to faculty and administration, and leads in providing faculty and staff development opportunities around strategies of cultural inclusion and skills for cultural competence. It liaisons with the Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and it addresses issues of ethnicity, gender, and national origin among others.
  •  Seminary Student Learning Committee (SSLC): This committee of faculty and administration oversees the implementation of the Seminary Student Learning Assessment Plan. It does its work in collaboration and coordination with the University Student Learning Committee.
  •  Student Experience and Retention Committee: This committee of faculty and administration reviews policies, practices, and processes relating to the total student experience. It reviews retention data and creates a retention report annually for implementation. The committee is charged with improving the student experience and increasing retention rates.

 Regional Committees

  •  Academic Appeals Committee (AAC) (San Diego and St. Paul): This committee serves students by reviewing specific issues relating to academics, including student requests and academic appeals.
  •  Admissions Committee (San Diego and St. Paul): This is an ad-hoc committee composed of the Director of Admissions, the Registrar, and selected faculty and administrative personnel who review and act upon application files as needed.
  •  Student Development and Support Committee (St. Paul only): This committee is concerned with the quality of student life, including the interface of the student with the academic program and in relationship to the administration, faculty, staff, peers, family and self. This committee evaluates student life needs, formulates program guidelines, and reviews and evaluates existing programs as well as student appeals related to student life issues.

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