Evacuation for Persons with Disabilities

Evacuation for Persons with Disabilities

When an emergency strikes, it is critical for everyone to take appropriate and deliberate action. If you observe a person with a disability having difficulty evacuating, remember to ask if assistance is needed before taking action. Inquire how best to assist the individual and whether any precautionary measures need to be taken or items need to accompany the person. Consider the following suggestions when assisting individuals with disabilities in an emergency.

Before an emergency:

  • Plan your emergency strategy when you first enter a building.

    • Where will you go and what will you do if you need to evacuate the building?
    • Who will be available to help you?
    • Ask about the location of designated areas of evacuation assistance for upper floors if elevators cannot be used for evacuation.  
    • Risk Management, Safety and Security staff can assist employees and students with planning. Call 651.638.6000 or safety-security@bethel.edu
    • Review more complete information about how to be prepared for emergencies on the Emergency Management confluence page.
  • Self-identify that you have a disability to the University. Students can do so by notifying the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services at 651.638.6833 or  accessibility-services@bethel.edu
  • Employees can notify Human Resources at 651.638.6119 or bethelhr@bethel.edu
  • Set up “buddy arrangements” for assistance with colleagues, students, or instructors.
  • Persons in fixed locations (such as employees) should assist departments in developing an exit plan.
  • Sign up for Bethel Alerts on myBethel to receive emergency text notification regarding serious campus-wide emergencies.

Individuals who are blind or have low vision

  • Communicate the nature of the emergency. Describe the nature of the emergency and the location if relevant. 
  • Offer assistance.  
  • Offer your arm to assist with guiding the individual.
  • Communicate verbally.  Provide details about where you are going and any obstacles the person may encounter along the route
  • Orient and inquire. Once at a safe location, orient the individual to the location and inquire if further assistance is needed before leaving the location. 

Individuals who are hard of hearing or deaf

  • Alert individual. Turn the lights on/off or wave your arms to gain the person’s attention.
  • Use gestures or written notes.  Indicate directions with gestures or write a note with evacuation instructions.

Individual with mobility limitations - Non-Wheelchair user

  • Discuss needs and preferences--ask if assistance is needed.  Inquire if the person is able to evacuate using the stairs without help or with minor assistance
  • Ensure a clear path of travel.  If debris is present, it may be necessary to clear a path to the exit route.
  • No imminent danger. If there is no imminent danger, the person may choose to remain in the building or to be directed to an Area of Refuge (stairwell) until emergency personnel arrives.
  • Imminent danger.  If danger is imminent, use a sturdy chair, with or without wheels, to move the person, or help carry the person to safety using a carry technique, or, if available, use an evacuation chair.
  • Mobility aids or devices.  Return any mobility aids or devices to the person as soon as possible.
  • Notify emergency personnel.  Notify emergency personnel immediately about any individuals remaining in the building and their locations.

Mobility limitations - Wheelchair user

  • Discuss needs and preferences. Non-ambulatory persons’ needs and preferences vary widely and therefore require you to ask them how they would like to be assisted.
  • Wheelchair-user on the ground floor.  Individuals who use wheelchairs may choose to evacuate themselves from the ground floor with minimal assistance.
  • Ensure a clear path of travel. If debris is present, it may be necessary to clear a path to the exit.
  • No imminent danger. If there is no imminent danger, the person may choose to remain in the building or to be directed to an Area of Refuge (stairwell) until emergency personnel arrives.  Fire Department personnel, who are trained in emergency rescue, can then enter the building and assist the person in exiting the building, either down the stairs or using the emergency elevator recall.
  • Imminent danger. If danger is imminent and the individual does not wish to be removed from his or her wheelchair, direct the person to the nearest Area of Refuge (stairwell) and notify emergency personnel immediately. While staying in place, the wheelchair user should keep in direct contact with Safety and Security by dialing 651.638-6000  from a (cell) phone and reporting directly pertinent information including the location.
  • Carrying wheelchair users.  Most wheelchairs are too heavy to carry downstairs. If the person wishes to be carried down the stairs without the wheelchair, consult with him or her on the best carry options, e.g., two-person cradle carry, office chair evacuation, or, if available, an evacuation chair.
  • Mobility aids or devices.  Return any mobility aids or devices to the person as soon as possible
  • Notify emergency personnel.  Notify emergency personnel immediately about any individuals remaining in the building and their locations.

Carry Techniques:


One-person Carry Technique (The Cradle Lift)

  • The Cradle Lift is the preferred carry method when the person to be carried has little or no arm strength. It is safer if the person being carried weighs less than the carrier.

Two-person Carry Technique (The Swing Carry or Chair Carry)

To use this technique:

  • Carry partners stand on opposite sides of the individual.
  • Wrap the individual's closest arm around one carry partner's shoulder.
  • Grasp carry partner's forearm behind the individual in the small of the back.
  • Reach under the individual's knees to grasp the wrist of carry partner's other hand.
  • Both carry partners should then lean in close to the individual and lift on the count of three.
  • Continue pressing into the individual being carried for additional support in the carry. 

To call the Office of Safety and Security in an emergency: Dial: 651.638.6000

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