Snow Emergencies

In response to significant or repeated snowfall events, the University will at times declare a Snow Emergency. This allows clearing snow from residential parking areas that are otherwise filled with vehicles and not able to be cleared by other means.

The Community will be notified of Snow Emergency declaration via Bethel Alert, and signage indicating parking lot closure periods will be posted at entryways to the academic complex and residence halls. Signage will be updated with the dates and times corresponding to lot closures for each snow emergency declared.

  • Failure to comply with lot closures will result in a tow at the vehicle owner’s expense
    • Towing fee = $85 (as of 1/4/2023)
    • Additional fines may be applied, in accordance with established campus parking policies and fee schedule based on previous citations history.
    • During a snow emergency, parking lot and permit color designations are waived in accordance with the Closed/Alternate parking schedule posted below.
  • Vehicles must be returned to normally authorized lots when alternate parking closes.
  • For a visual representation of closed/open lots, see the maps below.

Pre-Emergency Plowing

In order for the listed ALTERNATE PARKING locations to be available for parking during the snow emergency, campus commuter lots are closed as normal for overnight plowing the night prior to Phase 1 of the Snow Emergency.

If vehicles are present in these areas, they will be towed as necessary. 

Phase 1

  • CLOSED at 10:00pm on Friday 02/24/2023 until 7:30am on Saturday 02/25/2023:
    • Heritage Lot
    • West Lot Red Rows (Red striped spaces only)
    • Lissner Lot
    • Chalberg Lot
    • Scandia Lot
    • North Waters Lot

  • ALTERNATE PARKING: Open at 6:00pm on Friday 02/24/2023 until 7:30am on Saturday 02/25/2023:
    • West Lot Commuter Area (yellow striped spaces)
    • East Lot Main (Lowest)
    • Upper East South Lots I and II
    • Townhouse Lot
    • North Commuter Lot
    • North Woods Lot

Phase 2

  • CLOSED at 10:00pm on Saturday 02/25/2023 until 7:30am Sunday 02/26/2023: 
    • North Woods Lot
    • Upper East North Lot
    • SoHo Lot
    • Townhouse Lot

  • ALTERNATE PARKING: Open at 6:00pm on Saturday 02/25/2023 until 7:30am Sunday 02/26/2023
    • Heritage Lot
    • West Lot - Yellow and Red striped areas
    • East Lot
    • Upper East South Lots I and II
    • North Commuter Lot
    • Scandia Lot
    • Lissner Lot
    • North Waters Lot

Previous Snow Emergencies


(link to Bethel Alert)
Phase 1Phase 2


November 29 - December 1 202211/30/22 11:59am

10:00pm on until 7:30am on  

6:00pm on until 7:30am on 

10:00pm on until 7:30am on  

6:00pm on until 7:30 on 

January 4 - 7, 20231/4/23 3:20pm

10:00pm on until 7:30am on  

6:00pm on until 7:30am on 

10:00pm on until 7:30am on  

6:00pm on until 7:30 on 

February 24-26, 20232/24/23  9am

10:00pm on until 7:30am on  

6:00pm on until 7:30am on  

10:00pm on until 7:30am  

6:00pm on until 7:30am  


None to date