Housing Accommodation - OARS Accommodation

Housing Accommodation - OARS Accommodation

Bethel recognizes that some students with disabilities require housing accommodations. Example accommodations include, but are not limited to, first floor or elevator-accessible rooms for students with mobility impairments, single rooms for students who require individual living spaces, and strobe light fire alarms for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. 

Due to the complexities of campus housing, the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services (OARS) partners with Residence Life and Student Life to ensure students have accessible housing. A Housing Committee carefully reviews each housing accommodation request, taking into account the nature of the student’s disability and its impact on independent living, as well as campus housing availability. As with other disability-related communication, student confidentiality is maintained with this Committee. 

First Year Residential Students

First year residential students seeking housing accommodations are encouraged to begin the housing accommodation process before May 15 in order to be considered prior to Room Selection. Accommodation requests submitted after May 15 will be considered within 4 weeks. If approved, Residence Life will support the student to find a room on campus that meets the accommodation based on available space.

Returning Residential Students

Returning residential students seeking housing accommodations are encouraged to begin the housing accommodation process before Wednesday, February 19 in order to be considered prior to Room Selection. Accommodation requests submitted after February 19 will be considered within 4-6 weeks. If approved, Residence Life will support the student to find a room on campus that meets the accommodation based on available space.


In order to request a housing accommodation students must first register with the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services (OARS), by submitting

  1. Complete the OARS Application (if you are already registered with OARS for other accommodations, you do not need to complete another application)

  2. Submit documentation of diagnosis from a licensed provider 

    1. The documentation should include a statement of diagnosis and specific recommended for a housing accommodations and rationale as to why a housing accommodation is needed. Please note: Bethel’s Counseling Services office does not qualify as a licensed provider. 

    2. Documentation can be uploaded to the OARS online application, emailed to oars@bethel.edu, or faxed to 651.638.6307. Documentation may also be brought by the OARS office, RC200 (across from the Wellness Center).

  3. Meet with an Accessibility Specialist to discuss accommodation need.

    1. Once OARS receives the completed documentation students will be scheduled for to meet with an Accessibility Specialist to review the students' request, documentation and discuss needs.

Students must also complete the Bethel housing application. To complete the housing application, go to MyBethel, click the Housing & Meals link in the Tools & Resources menu, under "Applications and Forms."

Timeline and Communication of Decision 

The Bethel Housing Committee will then review request within 3 weeks of meeting with Accessibility Specialist. The student will be notified by email regarding whether the request is approved or denied. 

Housing-Specific Documentation

Students already registered for academic accommodations will be asked to provide housing-specific documentation and meet with an Accessibility Specialist to discuss the request. 


Housing accommodations are reviewed on an annual basis and new documentation is required for each year. This process includes a spring meeting with an Accessibility Specialist and, where applicable, updated documentation of continued housing accommodation need. Priority deadline for housing accommodation requests is February 19th. 


The student may appeal the Housing Committee decision. The appeal process includes submitting a letter of appeal written by the student and submitting any additional medical documentation from a licensed provider.


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