Flexibility with Attendance - OARS Accommodation

Flexibility with Attendance - OARS Accommodation

In order for a student to receive the Flexibility with Attendance Accommodation, they must:

  1. Be registered with the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services (OARS).
  2. Be registered for this accommodation based on their needs, and have it documented in their accommodation letter. 
  3. Communicate with the professor that they intend to use their accommodations in the course. 

Professors will first be alerted via receipt of the Faculty Notification Letter each semester by the student. If the student is registered for Flexibility with Attendance it will be stated in the student's accommodation letter.

Process for Flexibility with Attendance:

Student may require flexibility on class attendance if symptoms related to their disability are significant.

It is the student’s responsibility to email the professor and oars@bethel.edu at least 24 hours ahead of time or as soon as possible when they need to utilize this accommodation. It is the student’s responsibility to get class notes, handouts, assignments that were given during the student’s absence.

It is the professor’s responsibility to collaborate with OARS and the student about attendance expectations and submitting assignments.

OARS ResponsibilityStudent ResponsibilityFaculty Responsibility

Determine student eligibility for flexible attendance as an accommodation.

Depending on the nature of the course flexible attendance may not be a reasonable accommodation.

Consult with faculty (when necessary) to discuss this accommodation.

Be available to students and faculty to answer questions about student attendance.

Communicate with the professor the intention to use this accommodation by sending the Faculty Notification Letter in a timely manner. 

If experiencing significant symptoms of the disability that prevents attending class, email the instructor and OARS (oars@bethel.edu) at least 24 hours ahead of time or as soon as possible.  

Communicate with the professor about any missing assignments or exams/quizzes due on that day.

It is the student's responsibility to get class notes, handouts, and any assignments that were given during absence.

Collaborate with OARS and the student about attendance expectations and submitting past due assignments or making up exams.

Communicate with OARS about any concerns with this accommodation or if the number of absences becomes excessive.

Qualification for Accommodation: Flexible attendance is considered an appropriate accommodation for students with functional limitations impacting their ability to attend class. Some of these can include chronic conditions, with random or cyclical acute episodes, a recent diagnosis, onset, or change in a condition. 

This accommodation does not allow a student to capriciously skip class; instead, it is designed to be a process to meet the disability needs of the individual. Please note, this accommodation may only be used for disability-related symptoms.

Application in an Online Setting: For students with the accommodations of flexibility with attendance, the accommodation may not be needed for an online course. If a synchronous course meeting is required, students should follow the procedure to inform their professor. 

Application for Professional Programs: For programs such as Education, Counseling, Nursing, and Social Work this accommodation may not apply to the student's clinical or practicum setting as it may fundamentally alter the course. Consult with your Accessibility Specialist and Department Chair/Program Director for further clarification. 

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