Use of Laptop in Class - OARS Accommodation

Use of Laptop in Class - OARS Accommodation

In order for a student to receive this accommodation, they must:

  1. Be registered with the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services (OARS).
  2. Be registered for this accommodation based on their needs.
  3. Communicate with the professor that they intend to use their accommodations in the course. 

Professors will first be alerted via receipt of the Faculty Notification Letter each semester by the student. If the student is registered for Use of Laptop in Class it will be stated in the student's letter as follows:

Accommodation Letter Text: "The student will utilize a laptop in class to type lecture notes. It is the student’s responsibility to only use the laptop to type notes. The student will not use the laptop for any other purpose during class. It is the professor’s responsibility to allow the student to use a laptop in the class."

OARS ResponsibilityStudent ResponsibilityFaculty Responsibility
Determine student eligibility for Use of Laptop in Class as an accommodation.

Communicate with the professor the intention to use this accommodation by sending the Faculty Notification Letter in a timely manner. 

Follow-up with the professor to ensure the accommodation is in place for the course.

The student will only use the laptop to type notes, not for any other purpose during class.

Allow the student to use a laptop in class.

Accommodation application in an online setting: Not applicable.  

Qualification for Accommodation: This accommodation is given to students who need to type rather than write notes due to a disability. Typing notes allows the student to take sufficient notes in the course. 

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