Breaks as Needed - OARS Accommodation

Breaks as Needed - OARS Accommodation

In order for a student to receive this accommodation, they must:

  1. Be registered with the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services (OARS).
  2. Be registered for this accommodation based on their needs, and have it documented in their accommodation letter. 
  3. Communicate with the professor that they intend to use their accommodations in the course. 

Professors will first be alerted via receipt of the Faculty Notification Letter each semester by the student. If the student is registered for Breaks as Needed it will be stated in the student's letter.

Accommodation letter text: "The student may need brief breaks during class sessions. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate likeliness of frequency and determine how to obtain any information missed during breaks. It is the professor's responsibility to allow the student to step out of the classroom as needed without question."

OARS Responsibility 

Student Responsibility

Faculty Responsibility

Determine eligibility for Breaks as Needed accommodation.

Consult with faculty (when necessary) to discuss this accommodation.

Be available to students and faculty to answer questions.

Communicate with the professor the intention to use this accommodation by sending the Faculty Notification Letter in a timely manner. 

Inform the professor the likeliness of frequency breaks will be needed.

Inquire with the professor if any pertinent information was missed while taking the break. 

Allow the student to take breaks as needed without drawing attention to the situation.

Communicate with OARS about any concerns with this accommodation. 

Application in an online setting: If the course has a synchronous meeting obligation, then the student may require the use of this accommodation. If the course is offered asynchronous this accommodation will not apply. 

Qualification of accommodation: The accommodation breaks as needed is for students who require a short period of time to tend to themselves during class. For example to take medication, test blood sugar, or manage anxiety. A student may not be able to alert the professor at the moment the break is needed. 

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