CART - OARS Accommodations

CART - OARS Accommodations

In order for a student to receive this accommodation, they must:

  1. Be registered with the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services (OARS).
  2. Be registered for this accommodation based on their needs.
  3. Communicate with the professor that they intend to use their accommodations in the course. 

Professors will first be alerted via receipt of the Faculty Notification Letter each semester by the student. If the student is registered for CART it will be stated in the student's letter as follows:

Accommodation Letter Text: "The student will be using CART services (Communication Access Real-time Translation) for live transcriptions of the class lectures. It is the student’s responsibility to provide the professor with the microphone obtained from OARS before each class session.  It is the professor’s responsibility to wear the provided microphone each class session to ensure the transcribers are able to hear the lecture."

OARS Responsibility

Student Responsibility

Faculty Responsibility

Determine student eligibility for CART as an accommodation.

Communicate with faculty about role to ensure CART works smoothly.

Work with the third-party vendor to obtain needed equipment and submit schedule of student's courses for the live transcribers. The Accommodations Coordinator will also arrange CART training for the student if needed.

Communicate with the professor the intention to use this accommodation by sending the Faculty Notification Letter in a timely manner. 

Give the professor the microphone used with CART before each class session. 

It is the student's responsibility to alert OARS if they will not be in class so that the transcribers can be canceled for the class session.

It is also the student's responsibility to let OARS know of any issues they are experiencing with CART. 

Wear microphone each class session to ensure the transcribers are able to hear the lecture.

Communicate with OARS about any concerns with this accommodation.

Accommodation application in an online setting: Not applicable.  

Qualification for Accommodation: CART is one means of communication access for deaf or hard of hearing students, specifically for access to information contained in class lectures. 

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