Service Animals - OARS Accommodation
Definition of Service Animal: A Service Animal is any animal that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. The work or tasks performed by a Service Animal must be directly related to the student’s disability.
Federal and Minnesota law permit people with service animals to have access to public places. Service animals may accompany a student partner at all times and in all campus locations (with the exception of areas where animals are strictly prohibited for health or safety concerns and should then follow the Service Animal Lab Policy).
Service Animal Request Process:
Students who wish to request a Service Animal accommodation must be registered with the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services (OARS) and complete all of the following steps:
- Complete the OARS Application (if your are already registered with OARS for other accommodations, you do not need to complete this step)
- Submit the ESA Request and Information Release form. Once completed, OARS will contact the provider to request their completion of an ESA Provider Questionnaire. Please note, if your provider does not complete the Provider ESA Questionnaire form or does not recommend the need of an ESA, we are unable to move forward in the process.
- Complete the Animal Registration Form
- Review the ESA Terms & Agreements.
- Send email confirmation to indicating that you have read, understand and agree to Bethel University ESA Terms & Agreements.
- Submit a Veterinarian Verification Form - This form must be completed by your Veterinarian.
- Submit a Copy of Arden Hills License (for Cat or Dog) - A picture of the tag with the license number to verify the license is sufficient.
- Submit a photo of the animal.
- Complete the Roommate Release Form - Please provide the name of all your assigned/current roommates. Once completed, OARS will provide an animal consent form from each roommate. All roommates will be required to complete a Roommate Agreement/Consent Form.
Once ALL forms and documentation are submitted you will be scheduled to meet with an Accessibility Specialist to discuss your ESA request. Your request will then be provided to the housing committee for final review.
Service Animal Approval Process:
- Student completes OARS application and contact for documentation requirements.
- Student meets with Residence Life to discuss animal care and responsibilities in the residence halls.
- Student sends Faculty Notification Letter (FNL) each semester to their professors to make them aware of the service animal accommodation. Faculty Notification Letter communication will read as follows:
Faculty Notification Letter - (notification of Accommodation): "The student uses a service animal. The Service animal may accompany a service animal student partner at all times and in all campus locations (with the exception of areas where animals are prohibited for health or safety restrictions and should then follow the Service Animal Lab Policy). It is the student’s responsibility to follow the guidelines and protocols outlined in the Service Animal Agreement to ensure safety and that the service animal is not a distraction in the classroom. It is the professor’s responsibility to accommodate the service animal in the classroom as needed."
OARS Responsibility | Student Responsibility | Faculty Responsibility |