Class Attendance

Class Attendance

You must assume responsibility for class attendance and absences (see Class Attendance in the College of Arts & Sciences catalog) due to class trips, music and drama tours, or athletic events. The supervisors of these events are expected to schedule trips to avoid absences from class of more than three consecutive class days or five cumulative class days from any one class in any regular semester, and no more than two days total during interim. In all situations, however, course requirements will take precedence.

Activity schedules for special groups will be distributed no later than the first week of classes so students can discuss class schedules and absences with instructors. You and your instructor can negotiate an agreement about how missed class time can be resolved. You must assume responsibility for fulfilling the agreement or accept the consequences. By addressing this within the first week, you can best decide whether an activity that results in frequent absences is compatible with your class schedule and make appropriate schedule adjustments.

Responsible University Officer:  Deborah Sullivan-Trainor - Acting Dean of CAS

Policy Contact:  Deborah Sullivan-Trainor:  d-sullivan@bethel.edu 


Responsible University Officer:  Deborah Sullivan-Trainor - Acting Dean of CAS

Policy Contact:  Deborah Sullivan-Trainor:  d-sullivan@bethel.edu 

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