Migration from Google Hangouts to Google Chat

Migration from Google Hangouts to Google Chat

All Bethel accounts will migrate from Google Chat preferred on July 8th, 2020.


Similar to Google Meet, Google is transitioning the chat functions of Hangouts to their new Chat application. Chat makes it easy for teams to get work done efficiently in one place. Along with 1:1 direct messaging and group messaging, Chat supports virtual rooms to help teams collaborate on projects in one place. Teams can share files from Drive, join online meetings with Meet, and add bots to pull other tools or workflows into the conversation. Currently, both hangouts and chat are available for Bethel, but after July 8th, 2020, Google Chat will become the preferred application.


  • Chat directly integrates with Google Meet for web conferencing.
  • The group message function in Chat is labeled “rooms.”


  • Chat becomes the default chat application within Gmail.
  • The new Chat mobile app will replace the current Hangouts app.
  • 1:1 direct messages are transferred from Hangouts to Chat.


  • Group messages are not transferred but still available at hangouts.google.com
  • Chat users will be notified of group hangouts messages in Chat but users in Hangouts will not be notified of new “room” Chat messages
  • Google voice is not available through Chat, users will need to go to voice.google.com
  • You can no longer send messages from the Hangouts mobile app (only the web)

More Information


Contact the ITS Help Desk at service.bethel.edu or 651.638.6500.

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