On-Call Pay
On-Call Pay
Employees assigned to certain designated positions determined by the Office of People and Culture are eligible to receive on-call pay in addition to the regular salary of the position. This form of premium pay is explained to the employee prior to assignment to a covered position.
- All non-exempt facilities management and security and safety employees will receive 1.0 hour per day at the rate of 1.5x for each day they carry the pager/cell phone.
- Any work done in association with carrying the pager, including telephone calls from off-campus and trips to campus, will be paid at the rate of 1.5x.
- Travel time to and from campus associated with carrying the pager will be paid at the rate of 1.5x.
- All on-call hours will be reported in the "on-call pay" section of the timesheet. Any time worked as emergency, called in, rounds, or other hours worked will be subject to the standard overtime rules and should be recorded in the "regular pay" section.
- Snowfall removal staffing is assigned by Facilities Managers based on the severity of the snow event. When an employee's turn in the rotation occurs outside of their normal work shift, the employee is considered to be in on-call status for that portion of their snowfall duties outside their normal work shift. Employees performing snow removal duties should log on-call pay for hours worked outside of the assigned work day and report times for their shift (day, 2nd, or 3rd shift). Employees performing snow duty on scheduled off-days (normal days off, off-dutyweekends, and off-duty holidays) can log on-call pay for their entire snow work period. Travel time is not paid for snow removal duties.
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