Onboarding Program

Onboarding Program

The goal of Bethel’s onboarding program is to welcome new employees to Bethel University and connect them with the resources they need to be successful in their role. New employees participate in several in person and/or online experiences.  In person experiences include:

  • Royal Beginnings/New Faculty Orientation
  • Regular check-ins with a representative from the Office of People and Culture (OPC)
  • The new employee mentorship program (optional)
  • An Onboarding Connection Event, where employees connect with each other, different departments, and our Mission, Vision and Strategic Framework
  • Finally, employees conclude their onboarding with the Office of People and Culture (OPC) at a community event called a “Bethel Celebration”. 

Online experiences for new employees are housed in an online course called the New Employee Experience. Within this course there are three modules:

Royal Launch: This module explains how employees can prepare for their first day at Bethel.

Royal Beginnings: This module is filled with information about payroll, benefits, workplace practices, etc.  On a staff employee’s first day, they have a meeting with a representative from the Office of People and Culture (OPC) to go over all information housed in the Royal Beginnings module of the course. 

Royal Core: This final onboarding module houses all compliance related training that new employees must complete within the first 30 days on the job. All employees are encouraged to use time at work to complete these online training sessions which include readings, videos, and quizzes.

Any questions regarding the above information should be directed to Bethel’s People Relations Specialist in the Office of People and Culture (OPC).

In addition to the Onboarding experience outlined above, almost all offices or departments have their own, specialized training for new employees.  Please contact your supervisor/department char/program director to inquire about any specialized training for your area.

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