Dialing Information

Dialing Information


Information below is for using a Bethel land line.


Bethel Extensions

If you are dialing from a Bethel land line to a Bethel number, you only need to dial the extension (the last four digits).


Depending on what the starting number of a user's extension is, you can determine what their full number is for dialing from a non-Bethel land line.
(651) 635- __ __ __ __ for 1000, 2000 & 8000 extensions
(651) 638- __ __ __ __ for 3000 & 6000 extensions

Other Calling

1-800 Calling
  • Listen for dial tone
  • Dial 1 + 800/866/877/888/950 + seven digit number

Note: 800 calls with service charges are NOT permitted from Bethel campus phones.

900/500 Calling

Calls CANNOT be made to area 900, 976, and 500 from Bethel campus phones.

411 Calling

Dial 411
The operator will be able to help you with local and long-distance information.  Please note that there is a charge for every directory assistance call.

Operator Assistance

Note: Only non-billable assistance may be obtained.  If you need billable information, such as international information, you will need to use a calling card or major credit card
If you need the help of an operator to make a call, do the following:

  • Dial 0 and (when tone starts) enter long-distance code

Long-Distance & International:

  • Let the Help Desk know if an international call is being made
  • Dial 011 and the full phone number (011 xxx xxx xxxxx or similar format)
  • If this doesn't work, dial 011 and leave off the first digit (011 xx xxx xxxxx or similar format)


  • Dial 0 + area code + seven digit number.
  • An operator comes on and asks for your calling card and 4-digit pin or credit card and exp. date.  If you wait without responding , the operator will come on again and ask you to say COLLECT, CALLING CARD, PERSON-TO-PERSON, or OPERATOR.
  • You say which one you would like to use.  If you say collect, your party will be dialed.  When they answer, the operator will ask you to say your name for the party called so they can decide if they want to accept.

Harassing Calls

If you are receiving harassing phone calls we are able to trace on-campus calls if the following procedure is done while you still have the caller on the line.

  • Press hook-switch down for 2 seconds & listen for dial tone.

  • Press * *

  • Press hook-switch down again for 2 seconds.

  • Notify Telecommunications of the time/day the call occurred.  We will then notify Student Life of the situation.  We cannot tell you who made the call, but we will give the name of the offender to Student Life.  Student Life will contact you.


The purpose and job of the switchboard is to answer calls coming into Bethel. The switchboard will be happy to assist you in locating your on-campus party if you. However, you can also look up Bethel numbers through directory.bethel.edu or locating the office you need to contact at bethel.edu.
