Transferring Calls on your Bethel Polycom Phone

Transferring Calls on your Bethel Polycom Phone


This article explains how to transfer calls on your Bethel Polycom phone.

Transferring Calls on your Bethel Polycom Phone

 During a call, you may wish to transfer the person with whom you are talking to another person.  If you wish to prepare the person you are transferring the call, use the following steps.

  1. Press the Transfer button below the menu or the round button Screen Shot 2014-10-13 at 2.01.53 PM.png to the left of your number pad 

  2. Dial the number you wish to transfer this call

  3. Talk to the person receiving the call

  4. After you have finished talking with the other party, press Transfer or Screen Shot 2014-10-13 at 2.01.53 PM.png again or hang up.

If you change your mind after speaking with the person receiving the call, press cancel and the call will return to you.

Blind Transferring Calls on your Bethel Polycom Phone

If you wish to transfer a call to someone without talking to them, you may blind transfer the call. 

  1. Press the Transfer button below the menu or the round button Screen Shot 2014-10-13 at 2.01.53 PM.png to the left of your number pad 

  2. Press the Blind button below the menu.

  3. Dial the number you wish to transfer this call

  4. Then you may hang up and the call will go to that number