Editing your webspace

Editing your webspace


Whenever you put a file in your public_html folder in your U:/ drive, it is automatically published to your Bethel web page.  This article shows how to save a file to that folder, so that others on the internet can see it.


On a Windows computer, the U:/ drive can be found in the Computer folder, which you can access from clicking the Start button.

The public_html folder is where you will place all items that belong on your personal website. Every time you save an item in this folder it will be accessible on the web, though it may be hard to find.

The names you give your files will be used in creating the URL address of your personal web pages. To view how items in your public_html folder appear on the Internet open a web browser and type: http://people.bethel.edu/~username/ (where username is your Bethel username). Without index page or specific content listed in the URL your site should look like this.

In order to view specific content in your public_html folder, you need to add the file name to the end of your URL. If you had a file names example.html, you would type: https://people.bethewl.edu/~username/example.html (where username is your Bethel username).


If you have a document that you wish to use as your webpage index, you would name the file index.html and save it to your public_html folder. With an index page, anyone can go to http://people.bethel.edu/~username/ (where username is your Bethel username) and see your index page.

Index pages provide you a homepage on your site, and you can create links to all your other web pages located in your public_html folder. If you do not place links on this page, only those who know the exact web address or name of an item in your public_html folder will be able to view that item.

To access your site to edit in an HTML editor or to edit your site from home, you would use the following address template: https://bsp-nas-dav.bethel.edu/Home first letter of your username>/<username>/public_html. For instance, if your username was abc12345 your webdav link would read: https://bsp-nas-dav.bethel.edu/HomeA/abc12345/public_html


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