Registration Hold

Registration Hold

Registration in an upcoming term is dependent upon payment of prior term expenses. A student whose account is in arrears will receive a registration hold and will not be permitted to register in upcoming terms. 


Any student who pays an outstanding balance by check will have their registration dropped (for future or current terms) should that check be returned. The student will not be permitted to re-register until full payment is received. If repayment is made via check, the payment must be cleared through the bank before registration is granted.


Business Office registration holds are not placed on accounts with past due amounts under the following amounts:

-College of Arts & Sciences students whose balance due is below $2,000 or are current on their semester payment plan. 

-Seminary students whose balance is below $500 or are current on their semester payment plan. 

-College of Adult Professional Studies or Graduate School students whose balance is below $500.


College of Arts & Sciences and Bethel Seminary students: Any student in good standing on a payment plan (current on their monthly installments) will be allowed to register for future terms. However, if the student fails to pay remaining monthly installments in full, registration for future terms may be dropped.

Be advised: students whose registration has been dropped are not guaranteed their preferred courses will be available when re-registering.

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