Membership: 2018-2019

Membership: 2018-2019

Advisory Committee on Diversity


School, Office or Title

Fifield, KaraDirector Disability Resources & Services
McCormick, PegCAPS/GS
McKinney, KarenCAPS/GS
Moua, PangDiversity & Inclusion Associate
Paulson, CraigCAPS/GS
Rivera, Reuben (Chair)CDO
White, AmyCAS

Bethel Care Committee


School, Office or Title

Addleman, John (Chair)Special Assistant to the President
Bursaw, MaryKayUniversity Advancement
Dolieslager, JamieCAS
Fisher, BarrettCAS - Dean, Arts & Humanities
Holst, BarryDirector of Facilities Services
Matchefts, NicholasSEM
McInroy, SuzanneCAPS/GS
Olson, BrittManager of Student Success
Rowell, AndySEM
Satrom, AustinCAPS/GS
Sonsteby, JillCAPS/GS
Wald, CaraChief Human Resources and Strategy Officer

Budget Committee


School, Office or Title

Addleman, JohnSpecial Assistant to the President
Bergen, RandyAssociate Provost
Blaz, Amy (Chair)CFO (ex officio)
Brooke, PatrickCFO (ex officio)
Daniels, JessicaCAPS/GS
Dunne, JohnSEM
Gehrz, ChrisCAS - Senate President
Harless, DebEVP & University Provost
Hoekstra, Krista CAPS/GS
Olsen, BruceCAS
Sullivan-Trainor, DebVP Academic Affairs & Dean CAS
Wald, CaraChief Human Resources and Strategy Officer

Environmental Stewardship Committee


School, Office or Title

Anderson, Peter Manager of Building Services
Burd, Liz Assistant Director of Admissions
Gannon, Ann Library
Gerth, Joshua Manager of Grounds
Hanson, Raymon CAPS/SEM/GS
Harker, Ben Student
Hill, ZacharyDirector, Risk Mgmt, Security & Transportation
Holst, Barry Director of Facilities Services
Kistler, Bob TLT
Knutsen, Kylie Student
Ogden, Elise Student
Posner, Mark VP Facilities & Technology
Powers, Miranda Dean of Student Programs
Schuchardt, Bob Sodexo
Seaberg, Becky (Chair)CAS
Sullivan-Trainor, DebVP Academic Affairs & Dean CAS
Williams, Josiah Transportation & Fleet Specialist

Faculty Leaders Meeting


School, Office or Title

Bramsen, AndrewCAS - Senate Vice President
Daniels, JessicaCAPS/GS
Dunne, JohnSEM
Gehrz, ChrisCAS - Senate President
Gilbertson, LauraCAPS/GS
President's cabinet – Addleman, John; Blaz, Amy; Harless, Deb; Miles, Mark; Rivera, Ruben; Wald, CaraSpecial Assistant to the President; CFO; EVP & University Provost; Senior VP for Advancement; CDO; Chief Human Resources and Strategy Officer

Faculty Leadership Collaboration


School, Office or Title

Bramsen, AndrewCAS - Senate Vice President
Daniels, JessicaCAPS/GS
Dunne, JohnSEM
Gehrz, ChrisCAS - Senate President
Gilbertson, LauraCAPS/GS
Scorgie, GlenSEM

Faculty Policy Review Committee


School, Office or Title

Dikkers, SeanCAS
Gilbertson, LauraCAPS/GS
Lee, BernonCAS
McCloskey, MarkSEM
Ritchie, DanCAS
Scorgie, GlenSEM
Shaw, TimCAS

Institutional Animal Care and Usage Committee


School, Office or Title

Corvi, Rachel Community Member
DeGolier, TeresaCAS
Nugteren, LauraCAS
Peffley, CarrieCAS
Petersen, KenCAS
Port, JeffCAS
Thompson, LexCAS
Van Berkom, JonCAS
Young, CaroleCAS - Dean, NABS

Institutional Review Board


School, Office or Title

Carroll, ChrisCAS
Hillier, JenAssistant Dean - Resident Life 
Jankowski, Peter (Chair)CAPS/GS
Lamfers, BarbHR/Benefits Manager
Naser, LisaCAPS/GS
Norvel, TravisExternal Representative 
Paulson, CraigCAPS/GS

Maternity Advocate


School, Office or Title

Mahoney, Ashley


Retirement Governance Advisory Committee


School, Office or Title

Blaz, AmyCFO (ex officio)
Brooke, PatrickCFO (ex officio)
Chapman, LeslieBoard Member
Daniels, JessicaCAPS/GS
Dischinger, BethFacilities Management
Doyle, BillRetiree
Holland, BrianCAS
Jahnke, RossCAPS/GS
Lamfers, BarbHR/Benefits Manager
McCloskey, MarkSEM
Schultz, SteveConverge Member
Wald, Cara (Chair)Chief Human Resources and Strategy Officer (ex officio)
Wickham, MollyCAPS/GS

University Classroom Oversight Committee


School, Office or Title

Dunleavy, Sandy Facilities Management
Fisher, BarrettCAS - Dean, Arts & Humanities
Humphreys, Krystal CAPS/GS
Jahnke, RossCAPS/GS
Johnson, AndyCAS
Kistler, BobTLT
Krusemark, DianeRegistrar
Lindsey, MikeFacilities Management
Luchsinger, AndrewITS
Metcalf, BrianScheduling/Conference and Event Services
Putz, MattTLT
Selin, RiskTLT
Vang, JennySEM

University Student Learning Committee


School, Office or Title

Clark, ConnieCAS
Dahl, DianeCAPS - Dean, Hlth/Med/Soc Sci/CNA
Daniels, JessicaGS
Frederickson, JoelCAS - Associate Dean, Assessment
Gilbertson, LauraCAPS/GS
Sanders, JeffSEM
Sipprell, KathleenCAPS/GS - Student

University Technology Advisory Committee


School, Office or Title

Fisher, BarrettCAS - Dean, Arts & Humanities
Kaihoi, ScottLibrary (ex officio)
Landrum, JudithCAPS/GS - Dean, Ed/Comm/Ministry
Posner, Mark VP Facilities & Technology
Putz, MattTLT
Vingers, Julie AnnCAPS/GS
Wynia, Jeffrey  (Chair)Senior Director - ITS

University Wellbeing Committee


School, Office or Title

Broza, DaveDirector Career Development/Calling
Enderlein, SteveCAS
Hill, Miriam Director Counseling Services
Lamfers, BarbHR/Benefits Manager
Li, JasonCAS
Meyer, Rick Wellness Center Director
Miller, Liz Director of Health Services
Osgood, Christine (Chair)Director of Wellbeing
Paradis, SethCAS
Rivera, Ruben CDO
Runion, Matt Associate Dean Campus Ministries
Sanders, Jeff SEM
Von Grey, GeriCAS

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