Sabbatical Leaves

Sabbatical Leaves

All full-time faculty members of Bethel University, upon fulfillment of the following requirements, shall be eligible to apply for a sabbatical leave. The purpose of such a leave is to provide faculty members with the kinds of opportunities for professional growth not normally possible while pursuing the regular responsibilities of teaching. Sabbatical leave is not construed as reward for prior service, but as an institutional investment in the continued and enhanced effectiveness of faculty. Normally it may be expected that requests for such leaves will be granted if they meet the following requirements, subject to funding and scheduling considerations:

Length of Service

  1. Upon completion of six years of full time service at Bethel, a faculty member may elect to apply for either:
    1. full contract year sabbatical leave at half one’s regular salary; or
    2. a one semester sabbatical leave at full salary. (Note that semesters may vary in length by school.)
  2. Upon completion of six semesters of full time service at Bethel a faculty member may elect a one-semester sabbatical leave at half one’s regular salary. To be eligible for a one-semester sabbatical leave, the faculty member must have completed the minimum length of service requirement by the end of the year in which the application is made.

The Sabbatical Project

The sabbatical project must contribute to the faculty member’s professional development and make a contribution to the scholarly discipline of the faculty member (including the scholarship of teaching and learning), enhance their teaching, or serve the community (local or global). A sabbatical leave may also be used to complete coursework or a dissertation that leads to a terminal degree in the academic discipline of a faculty member’s primary teaching responsibilities at Bethel.

Application for a Sabbatical

College of Arts & Sciences

The spring term before they are eligible to apply for sabbatical, eligible faculty and their department chairs are notified by the academic affairs office. The completed application is submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs and the department chair. The department chair reviews the sabbatical application and provides an evaluation of the project. Sabbatical projects that include development of a course or program must be approved by the Dean of Faculty. If the project includes the development of or a significant change to a study abroad course or program, the sabbatical application must also be submitted to the Director for the Office of Off-Campus Programs and International Studies. The application and other required evaluations are reviewed by the Sabbatical Committee. This committee makes a recommendation to the Associate Provost of the College of Arts & Sciences who gives final approval.

Significant changes to a sabbatical project must be approved in advance by the Dean of Faculty.  A change in the term when the sabbatical is to be taken must also be approved by the Dean of Academic Programs.

College of Adult & Professional Studies/Graduate School

During the spring term before they are eligible to apply for sabbatical, eligible faculty members are notified by the Dean of Education and Christian Ministries. The application is reviewed by the Sabbatical Committee. This committee makes a recommendation to the Associate Provost who gives final approval.

Significant changes to a sabbatical project or a change in the term when the sabbatical is to be taken must be approved in advance by the Dean of Education and Christian Ministries.


During the spring term before they are eligible to apply for sabbatical, eligible faculty members are notified by the Dean. The application is reviewed by the Sabbatical Committee. This committee makes a recommendation to the Dean who gives final approval.

Significant changes to a sabbatical project or a change in the term when the sabbatical is to be taken must be approved in advance by the Dean.

Postponement of a Faculty Sabbatical Leave at the Request of the University

On rare occasions, Bethel may request that a faculty member postpone applying for or taking a sabbatical because of institutional needs (often related to accreditation processes). 

When a sabbatical is postponed at the request of the institution, the pay for the term of the sabbatical leave is increased by 5% over the regular salary. Eligibility for a subsequent sabbatical is not affected by postponing a sabbatical at the institution's request. The original eligibility year is used to calculate eligibility for the next sabbatical.

In the College of Arts & Sciences, the request to postpone a sabbatical must be made in writing by the department chair to the Dean of Faculty and should include a justification for the request. The Dean of Faculty reviews the request and makes a recommendation to the Associate Provost. The Associate Provost approves the request to postpone a sabbatical, the eligible faculty member, the department chair, and the Dean of Faculty will be notified in writing.

In the College of Adult & Professional Studies and Graduate School, the request to postpone a sabbatical must be made in writing by the Dean of Education and Christian Ministries to the Associate Provost and should include a justification for the request. The Associate Provost reviews the request. If the Associate Provost approves the request to postpone a sabbatical, the eligible faculty member, the program director, and Dean of Education and Christian Ministries will be notified in writing.

In the Seminary, the request to postpone a sabbatical must be made in writing by the faculty member to the Dean, and should include a justification for the request. If the Dean approves, the request is brought to the Associate Provost for approval. If granted, the eligible faculty member will be notified in writing.

Sabbatical Reports

Faculty must submit a written report on their sabbatical leave and project. CAS faculty are expected to participate in the faculty retreat sabbatical video. Dates by which the written report must be received are indicated in the letter approving the sabbatical received by the faculty member.

Contractual Expectations

Those faculty members taking a sabbatical shall, prior to the experience, sign a contract promising to return to full time service at Bethel for a period of one year. They shall also sign an agreement that they will accept no additional remunerative employment during the sabbatical without written approval of the administration. Exceptions to any of the requirements listed shall be made only with approval of the Board of Trustees or its executive committee upon the recommendation of the administration after consultation with the appropriate faculty member.

Policy Effective September 1, 2011

Office of the Provost

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