Liability Insurance

Liability Insurance

Public Liability

Bethel University has general liability insurance protecting the University and its employees against allegations of negligent bodily injury and property damage to third parties. Bethel employees are covered for on the job injuries by workers' compensation.

Malpractice Insurance

Nursing instructors, counselors, and student health center professionals are insured for professional liability alleged by third parties.

Legal Liability

All teachers are protected by insurance against legal suits instituted against them because of injuries that may be sustained by students under their jurisdiction.

Personal Property Liability

All normal office supplies and equipment owned by teachers in the employment of the school are included in the master property insurance programs of the school. Additional possessions, however, are at the risk of the owner except as they serve an agreed-upon departmental purpose, have been appraised and listed separately with the insurance carrier, and arrangements have been worked out with the Provost and Director of Risk Management.

If you have additional insurance questions or need a certificate of insurance you can reach out to Risk Management, Safety & Security.

Office of Risk Management, Safety & Security

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