

Library resources for the College of Arts & Sciences, College of Adult & Professional Studies/Graduate School, and Seminary, although housed separately, are available to the faculties and students of both schools. The combined collections now total more than 415,000 volumes. Materials are borrowed readily from the combined libraries.

In addition to our own holdings, and through the usual inter library loan channels, Bethel faculty members and students have access to nearly five million volumes in more than a dozen other academic libraries in the area. Colleges work together in one organization, CLIC (Cooperating Libraries in Consortium) and five seminaries in the MTLA (Minnesota Theological Library Association), making their resources available through borrowing privileges, courier service, photo copying and union lists of books and periodicals. Books and periodical articles not available at Bethel will typically be delivered from other schools within three to five days of their request.

MINITEX (Minnesota Interlibrary Telecommunications Exchange) extends access to more than 160 libraries of all types throughout Minnesota and surrounding states. OCLC interloan is also available to obtain more obscure materials.

Book Loans to Faculty

Seminary: due dates for materials are dependent on the format and are tracked by the automated circulation system. Books are loaned for two to four months, while other materials are often for shorter periods. Items are readily renewed, although items needed for the reserve shelf or other special used may be recalled.

College of Arts & Sciences, College of Adult & Professional Studies/Graduate School: due dates for materials are dependent on the format and are tracked by the automated circulation system. Books are loaned for four months, while other materials are often for shorter periods. Items are readily renewed, although items needed for the reserve shelf or other special used may be recalled. Lost books are charged to the academic department of the faculty member if they have not been returned within four weeks after they become due.

Reserve Materials

The libraries operate reserve shelves to provide for materials (print and non print) which are in heavy demand. Materials are arranged according to courses. Reserve lists should be kept to a minimum and should generally include only the materials which will be heavily used by large numbers of students.

Seminary: faculty members should submit reserve lists about two weeks prior to the time that they will be needed since adequate processing time needs to be allowed to prepare these materials for use.

College of Arts & Sciences and College of Adult & Professional Studies/Graduate School: faculty members should submit reserve lists of items one week before the course begins. Materials owned by the University Library will be processed and other items will need to be provided by the instructor. Otherwise, the physical materials should be delivered to the Reserve Desk.

Book Selection

Faculty participation in book selection is of great importance and all recommendations are welcomed. While faculty members are expected to select materials in their own specialties, suggestions are encouraged in other areas as well, particularly where there may be gaps in Bethel’s holdings. The book stock has been chosen to meet curriculum requirements.

College of Arts & Sciences and College of Adult & Professional Studies/Graduate School

Funds for book purchases are allocated on a departmental or program basis. There are, in addition, limited general funds to develop the reference collections, periodical holdings, books for general reading and expensive sets.

In selecting materials for a teaching area a faculty member should work through the department chairperson or program director. Other suggestions should be given to the library staff. Order requests are acceptable in any form as long as they are legible and include the authorization of the department chair. Orders to out of print dealers must be expedited promptly in order to secure a worthwhile proportion of the materials.

Removing Materials from the Collections

Library staff will involve specialists to remove department-related materials and will remove general materials from the collection as appropriate.

Personal Use of A.V. Equipment

Equipment in the Media Center is for use in the instructional program of Bethel and in other school related activities. It will be available to faculty, staff and students for personal use only in the Library.

Certain equipment such as slide projectors and recorders will be available to faculty for use in professional activities not directly related to their Bethel assignment, e.g., in workshops, presentations, etc. Variations in arrangements exist in remote locations. Please check with local staff.

Copyright Compliance

In the United States, original works of authorship (e.g., literary, dramatic, or musical works like novels, plays, songs, sculptures, architecture, etc.) come under the protection of copyright law as soon as they are fixed in a tangible form (i.e., written down, saved in a document, recorded, etc.). All faculty and staff are expected to comply with copyright law in the course of their duties as Bethel employees. Additional information about copyright is available on Bethel’s library website under the heading “Copyright."

Reference and Instruction Services Seminary

Library staff is available for consultation in a variety of formats such as one-on-one, instruction for searching, general library research, and focused seminars.

College of Arts & Sciences and College of Adult & Professional Studies/Graduate School

Reference Librarians are available to help find the specific information and to provide one-on-one instruction in effective search techniques and strategies. Librarians are at the Reference Service Desk during the hours listed below. To be sure of adequate time and undivided attention, faculty should call ahead to make an appointment. Group instructional sessions are often a regular part of Senior Seminars, College Writing, and CAPS courses. Workshops on general topics and specific subject instruction are also available for students, faculty, or staff. More information is available on the website regarding library hours and other services.

Photocopy Services

Copying in the libraries is available on a self-service basis. The Print Services office in the AC building accepts orders for classroom and reproductions for instructional use.


The Seminary library in St. Paul houses the archives of the Baptist General Conference/Converge Worldwide including much material related to Bethel. These resources are available to faculty members as well as to students with special projects. In order to continue to build this important collection administrators and faculty members should be on the alert for relevant documents and should send current minutes, records, official correspondence, copies of school publications and related items to the archivist. The College of Arts & Sciences has a limited archive, materials for which are cataloged in CLICnet.

Office of the Provost

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