The Faculty
The Faculty
The university faculty consists of College of Arts & Sciences faculty and the faculties of the College of Adult & Professional Studies, Bethel Seminary, and the Graduate School. Each of these groups meet on a regular basis for institutional governance.
The principal responsibilities of the individual faculties are to govern and to advise.
To Govern
- to establish and govern the academic life and curricular structures of the schools;
- to implement—through instruction, research, committee work, and counsel—the instructional programs of the schools;
- to establish and maintain academic standards, criteria for admissions and retention of students, degree requirements, and policies relating to financial aid;
- to elect faculty members to the various standing and ad hoc committees established for the governance of the schools;
- to assist in the establishment and governance of the non-academic life of the schools.
To Advise
- to articulate and promote the institutional objectives of the schools;
- to recommend all degree candidates to the trustees for their approval;
- to reflect faculty opinion on all issues affecting faculty affairs, student life, and other aspects of the schools to faculty committees and the administration.
Office of the Provost
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