Room Transfers
Former user (Deleted)
Nick Cedergren
Former user (Deleted)
Room Transfer Process:
A student who believes he/she has a compelling reason or an extenuating circumstance for moving rooms must first contact their Resident Director (RD). Requesting a new room with any Residence Life Staff members does not guarantee a student will receive a new room. Before students enter the room transfer process, they should consider there may be other solution-oriented paths required by the Student Life Office to pursue to resolve their situation. It is the expectation of the University that a student engages and collaborates in the process as put forth by the Student Life Office. Room changes will only be set in motion once Residence Life has observed evidence of good-faith efforts to resolve any issue(s).
Steps for Room Transfer
- Student must have a conversation with his/her RD to discuss their desire to move and reason for doing so. Reasons for transferring rooms could include:
- Physical or emotional concerns that are affected by the current room placement
- New information not available or not previously considered regarding your housing situation
- The RD will either suggest an alternative route to resolve the desire to move or will send the student a Room Change Request Form.
- Requests to move to single and/or empty room will not be granted
- Filling out a Room Change Request Form does not guarantee room change
- Requests to move to a specific room are not guaranteed
- Completed room requests will be reviewed by a Residence Life Committee and a final decision will be communicated via email by a Residence Life Dean.
Depending on the request for transferring rooms, you may be asked to follow our Roommate Mediation Steps:
- Initiate conversation with roommate(s) to try to resolve the situation
- Discuss the situation with your RA
- Revisit Roommate Agreement Form w/ RA
- Mediation with Roommate(s) and RA, follow-up conversation with the RA
- Mediation with Roommate(s) and RD, follow-up conversation with the RD
- Additional steps as determined by the RD
A $75 room transfer administration fee will be assessed if your request is granted.
If students change rooms without following proper procedures, they may be required to return to their previous housing until the appropriate procedure is followed. An improper checkout fine may be assessed. Once approved, all room transfer requests will be coordinated by the Residence Life Office.
When there are one or more vacant spots in a room, suite, or apartment, the Residence Life Office may assign a new roommate to the open spot per the terms of the Housing Agreement Lease. Should the occupancy of the room, suite, or apartment be 50% or less capacity, the Residence Life Office reserves the right to consolidate spaces if necessary.
Related Policies and Resources:
Residence Life Office- BC 252