Connecting to awp-rdp6.its.bethel.edu Server

Connecting to awp-rdp6.its.bethel.edu Server

This server is to be used for Argos access if the user is on a MacBook.

You must be on Bethel’s WiFi (on campus) or connected to the VPN to access this server. Follow these directions on how to use the VPN on a Mac.

  1. Navigate to Software Center by searching on the top right of your MacBook

  2. Look for the Microsoft Windows App and press install


  1. Open the Microsoft Windows App and on the top right select the plus button.


  1. Enter in the server name awp-rdp6.its.bethel.edu into the PC Name. We also recommend clicking on credentials and adding your credentials to log in with. Select Add to add this server.



  1. Click on the box with the name of the server. You will see this prompt in which you select Continue.



  1. You can use this article to install the desktop version of Argos. Accessing Argos & Evisions Desktop Applications