New Student Data Sheet (including commuter notification)

The Student Data Sheet allows new students to provide Bethel with information regarding ethnicity, emergency contacts, and commuting.

Step 1: Login to

Step 2: Click the checklist button in the MyBethel header

Step 3: In the Important Things box, click the link for My Profile

Step 4: The Student Data Sheet in Self Service Banner will show up with different information categories that need to be completed

If this page does not load or asks for a PIN, please login to in a new incognito window.

Step 5: Fill out each section by clicking the link. Clicking the last link will allow you to indicate if you are a commuter or not and provide your address.

If entering your address results in an error, please check the formatting of your address (i.e. 1234 County Road F W instead of 1234 West County Road F).