Bethel (Wi-Fi)

Bethel (Wi-Fi)

This network is only accessible to those with Bethel accounts with active Faculty, Staff, or Student roles. The following instructions will work for macOS, iOS, and Windows devices. Android devices have different security requirements, so please view the Android Instructions section below.

  1. Navigate to your device's wireless connections and connect to the network titled Bethel.
    1. For Windows computers, click on the Wi-Fi icon on the taskbar (typically located in the bottom-right of the screen, next to the battery and time information).
    2. For Mac computers, click on the Wi-Fi icon on the Menu Bar (located in the top-right of the screen, next to the battery and time information).
    3. For mobile phones, go to the Wi-Fi menu within your Settings app.
  2. Enter your Bethel Community Account username and password (same credentials you use to login to MyBethel)
  3. Accept or Trust the certificate prompt if it appears.

 Android Instructions

For most Android phones, the following instructions will not be successful, because of updated security requirements by Google (which controls the Android operating system as a whole). An updated method for Android devices to connect to the Bethel network is in progress, but not available at this time.

Certain makes and models of Android phones, such as some Samsung Galaxy phones, will still be able to follow the below steps to gain successful connection to the network. All others will need to use the Bethel-Guest network for now.

  1. Select the Bethel network on your Android device you will be given a screen that looks like this:

  2. Your settings should match the screenshot above, where EAP method is set to PEAPPhase 2 authentication is set to MSCHAPV2, and CA certificate is set to Do not validate.
  3. Add your Username to the Identity field and Password to the Password field. Anonymous Identity can remain blank.
  4. Click Connect.

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