Professional Development Conference Travel Funds

Every faculty member is encouraged to attend regularly the meetings of appropriate learned and professional societies. To foster this professional involvement a faculty member may draw up to $1,150 per biennium of Professional Development conference Travel Funds to help defray the cost of attending such meetings. Biennia begin in odd-numbered years. Professional Development conference Travel Funds do not require pre-approval as long as they are used to attend a professional conference. Payment for conferences is made by reimbursement. No professional membership dues may be paid for from this allocated amount.

New faculty coming to Bethel in the middle of a biennium are eligible for half of the funding in allocated monies (one-half of the established amount) for the second year of the biennium. Adjunct faculty with extended status are funded on a pro-rata basis (i.e., 5/7 load for two years = 5/7ths of the established amount). Full-time and teaching partner faculty members on one-year appointments (such as a term appointment for one year) are not eligible for funding. Full-time faculty with limited term appointments (e.g., a two-year appointment) are eligible for one-half the funds available to faculty in continuing or tenure-eligible positions.

Office of the Provost