Farewell Guidelines
Farewell Guidelines
To recognize an employee who is leaving Bethel University voluntarily and involuntarily due to a reduction in force, a department has the discretion to use department funds as outlined below for a farewell party and/or gift.
Years of service | Maximum amount for a party (includes gift amount) | Maximum amount for a gift |
Less than 3 | $15 | $10-$15 |
3-7 years | $225 | $15-$20 |
8-12 years | $350 | $20-$30 |
13-19 years | $500 | $30-$40 |
20+ years | $750 | $40-$50 |
A department budget may be used to fund a farewell party for a benefits-eligible employee according to the guidelines above. A farewell gathering is optional, not required.
- A department budget may also be used to purchase a farewell gift for a benefits-eligible employee according to the guidelines above. A farewell gift is optional, not required.
- Gifts must be a tangible item such as a watch or book. Gifts cannot be cash, checks or gift cards. (No other gift funded by a Bethel budget is to be given.)
- Only employees who are benefits-eligible qualify for a Bethel-funded farewell party and/or gift. To use institutional funds for an employee who is not benefits-eligible, approval from a Cabinet Member is required.
- The entire party amount does not have to be used. The entire gift amount does not have to be used.
- To use institutional funds over and above the guidelines, approval from a Cabinet Member is required. (For a departing Cabinet Member, approval from the president is required.) Otherwise, any expenses over and above the guidelines must be financed personally.
- The employee and his or her supervisor or department chair should discuss and decide what type of party is desired. Not all employees want a farewell gathering.
- The supervisor or department chair must contact the Office of Human Resources to verify years of service.
- Suggestions for a farewell gathering include but are not limited to: a community reception in the Eastlund Room (or other available space on campus); a department lunch, pizza party, or picnic; or an informal open house where guests are invited to stop by the office and visit with the departing employee. Farewell gatherings may be hosted off campus if desired.
- Gift suggestions include but are not limited to: Bethel apparel from the Campus Store, a favorite book, or a photo album/memory book of the employee’s years at Bethel.
Last Reviewed: May 12, 2021
Business Office
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