To appeal, please follow the directions on the front of your ticket:
- Navigate to Banner SSB.
- Find This under Tools and Resources on "MyBethel", OR
- Navigate to the Banner page on and click "Login to Bethel University's Self Service Banner System"
- Select the "Personal Information" tab
- Select "View Parking Permits and Citations"
- A list of current parking citations will appear. From the list, click the hyperlink under STAT to open an appeal for that citation.
- Enter your appeal and submit.
Parking Citation appeals are reviewed at least monthly by the Parking Appeals Committee. The Committee will review any available information, including your account, the citation as written, and any photographic or other circumstantial evidence about the situation (i.e. snow emergency communication, etc). The Committee's decisions will be made in light of current campus parking policies listed in this section, to act as a check and balance for Safety & Security. You will receive a notice via email after your appeal is reviewed and processed, which may include a message from the Committee and/or an updated (upheld, reduced, or zero-ed) fine amount.
Citation Appeal FAQ's:
I don't see my citation listed.
This can happen for several reasons, including the ticket not yet having been entered, a clerical error preventing the citation from being entered or tied to your account, or the vehicle not having been registered.
What happens if I get a ticket before I have a permit?
The tickets will live in the system, waiting for a vehicle record to be tied to. You would be able to see the full history and open appeals for any recent violations after your vehicle is registered, either when you obtain a parking permit or after an immobilization.
I haven't received an update or email confirmation on my appeal.
The Parking Appeals Committee meets at least monthly during the Academic Year, depending on the number of appeals outstanding. Depending on when your appeal is submitted, it take 3-4 weeks before your appeal is processed. Any changes to the fine amount will be published to your account, which would include a refund if applicable.
The STAT button/text won't open an appeal.
The system will allow appeal submission within 30 days of the citation. A violation should appear on your account within a week of receipt, though system issues or other factors may prevent them from being attached to your account in that time frame.
On my Monthly Statement, I see a parking charge on a date that I did not receive a ticket.
Student Accounts only show the date the charge was made. Due to the way our system and the Business Offices' system are structured, this is usually not the date on which the ticket occurred. If you review the citations in your Banner account via the path listed above, you should see additional information about the ticket. If you feel there are additional issues with the citation you were issued, please open an appeal to refute it.