Traffic Regulations

Traffic Regulations


Traffic flow is directly correlated with accident rates. To prevent accidents and increase safety, Bethel University has instituted a number of traffic regulations. The following policies outline pedestrian safety as it relates to roadways, speed limits, intersections, right of way, and roadway fire codes. 

  • Pedestrian Safety

Bethel University is a pedestrian safe-zone. Drivers must maintain awareness of pedestrians and yield the right-of-way at all times.

  • Speed Limit

The posted speed limit for Bethel University is 20 miles per hour.

  • Unsignalized Intersections

No, that's not a typo - intersections on campus are unsignalizeded. This means each intersection along Bethel Drive is either unregulated or regulated by stop signs, as opposed to being controlled by a traffic light. Drivers must observe state law for all intersections.

  • Roadway Fire Code & Fire Lanes

Bethel Drive has an average width of 13’. This is large enough to allow for two-way traffic, but is not wide enough to accomodate parking along the roadway. For more on parking spaces, no parking areas, and fire lanes, please see Parking Regulations.

Moving Violations and Enforcement

Careless Driving

To support the rationale above, vehicle conduct on campus must comply with state and local regulations concerning careless driving. Local regulations may also be enforced on campus by the Ramsey County Sheriff's Department, and an infraction of these laws is a misdemeanor offense.

Vehicles observed by Safety and Security staff to be operating in a careless or reckless manner will incur a citation for Careless Driving, in accordance with the Fee Schedule. Students incurring more than one offense for Careless Driving may also be referred to the Office of Student Life for further disciplinary action. Examples of careless or reckless driving include, but are not limited to:

  • Towing an object(s) or person(s) behind a vehicle, especially on a snow sled, skis/snowboards, or similar.
  • Carrying persons in the bed of a truck, on a roof, or in a manner other than intended by the vehicle manufacturer.
  • Driving off-road - either on grass/dirt or paved walking paths.
  • Failure to yield to a pedestrian.
  • Exceeding the campus speed limit.
  • Failure to yield at an intersection

Prohibited Vehicles

Bethel University prohibits the use and possession of the following motor vehicles on campus: 

  • All-Terrain Vehicles, Utility Terrain Vehicles, and Golf Carts (excepting University owned vehicles operated by authorized personnel for University business)
  • Motorized boats
  • Snowmobiles
  • Jet-skies
  • Minibikes
  • Not street legal dirt bikes