Chalking Guidelines
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Former user (Deleted)
Former user (Deleted)
All requests for using chalk must be reviewed by the Campus Engagement Coordinator. Make sure to plan your request well in advance to allow ample time for review.
Guidelines For Your Advertisement
- Chalking is not allowed indoors. It is also not allowed in these outdoor areas: anywhere around the CLC building or on any of the pavers (cobblestone walkways).
- Chalking can only be done one day prior to your event/program.
- When chalking, you must include a date for the event you are advertising. It is not helpful to just write “tonight.” It must say “Tonight April 4th” since chalking does wear/wash off immediately after your event.
If there are too many past advertisements due to lack of rainfall, the Campus Engagement Coordinator will put out a chalking ban (unless your group wants to go out with a bucket and scrub off the old chalkings).
Submitting Requests
You must receive approval at least 24 hours in advance of when you would like your chalk advertisement displayed. We track all approved requests so that there are not multiple groups chalking at the same time.
To submit a request, contact the Campus Engagement Coordinator. Include your name, who is putting on the event, the date(s) of the event, and a brief description of your event.
Related Policies:
Policy Contact:
Campus Engagement Coordinator
Ashley Thrun