The Egg Advertising

The Egg Advertising

The Egg Advertising

Responsible University Office: Office of Student Life

Policy Contact: Office Manager for Student Life

  • studentlife@bethel.edu 

The Egg Advertising

"The Egg" refers to the platform at the bottom of the main staircase in the BC courtyard.

The only advertising option for this venue is to post one easel with one sign on it on the Egg between the stairs and the platform-to-ceiling column. The maximum size of the sign is 18" x 24". The one exception is that BSG is pre-approved to use this advertising venue in unique ways (i.e. Quest Forum projector, mannequins, tables); there are no other exceptions.  

  • Requests for Egg advertising should be submitted to Student Life and will be reviewed by the Office Manager for Student Life (student-life@bethel.edu - 651.638.6902) for approval on a case-by-case basis. 


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