Follow-Me-Printer - Troubleshooting

Follow-Me-Printer - Troubleshooting

 Windows Troubleshooting

If someone has trouble with the Follow-Me-Printer after they have already connected to it try the following.

1) Remove the Device from either Control Panel > Devices and Printers or Settings > Devices

2) Follow instructions on Printing at Bethel to reinstall the printer.

- If you receive an error when trying to reinstall the printer you will need to restart the Print Spooler service

 How to restart the Print Spooler Service

1) Open the Start menu and type "Services"

2) Find the "Print Spooler" Service (these should be in alphabetical order)

3) Right-Click and select Restart

  • Try reinstalling the printer at this point.
 2022 Fix for Windows
  1. Ensure user is connected to ‘Bethel’ or ‘Bethel Eduroam’ wifi
  2. Insert USB thumbstick. (Usually Found on Ryan's desk hung up)
  3. Run installer in main section of USB drive. This will install the printer drivers.
  4. Once driver installation is complete, open up registry editor by searching for it from the start menu.
  5. Use File>import and navigate to the USB drive. Import the ‘Printer Fix’ registry file.

7. Push Windows key + R to open a run dialogue box. Enter the directory shown below

8. When asked for credentials select ‘other’ and enter their bethel username in the form ‘BU\[username]’
9. In the folder of printers locate ‘Follow-me-printer’ right click, and select the ‘Connect’ option.
10. Printer should briefly install and be ready to use.

If you still get an error after the Print Spooler restart, try restarting the computer itself. If you continue to get an error after a computer reboot, the student will need to contact Print Services x8613.

 Advanced Troubleshooting for Help Desk Staff
  1. Open "regedit.exe".
  2. Navigate through the folders, or keys, as follows: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SYSTEM | CurrentControlSet | Control | Print | Environments | Windows x64 | Drivers | Version-3."
  3. Right-click the UNIFLOW printer from the left pane and select "Delete" from the context menu.
  4. Return to the "Print" key and then expand “Printers". Right-click the Follow-Me-Printer from the left pane and select "Delete" from the context menu.
  5. Navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Printers | Connections"
  6. Right-click the "Follow-Me-Printer" from the left pane and select "Delete" from the context menu.
  7. Open "services.msc" Double-click "Print Spooler." Click “restart" to restart the service.
  8. Try re-installing the printer driver.
 Mac Troubleshooting

  • Navigate to your printers and scanners. From there click the option to ‘add printer’ (it will be a ‘+’ symbol)
  • A screen similar to the one above will appear. If you do NOT see the ‘Advanced’ tab, you will need to add it by right clicking (or control+click) an open area and selecting ‘customize toolbar’ from the list. Then drag the Advanced icon from the menu that pops up to your toolbar.
  • Change your Type to ‘LPD/LPR Host or Printer’ as shown in the above image.
  • The URL will look similar to the above but you will need to replace a few items based on our current setup.
  • lpd://[Bethel username]@
    1. Replace [Bethel username] above with whatever you use to login to Bethel systems, minus the [@bethel.edu] portion.
  • Finally, the default name will be the IP address. Rename it to something more familiar like ‘Follow Me Printer’.
 Follow-Me-Printer - Hold for Authentication

This specific error will only occur on Macintosh computers and is indicating either a wrong username or password. This typically happens either on first setup or when someone changes their password. 

1) Click on the Refresh button to the right of the error. The box below will appear.

2) Confirm that "Name:" is their Bethel Username

3) Change the "Password:" to the correct Bethel password (same one that gets used for MyBethel)

After changing to the correct username/password combo the print job should leave the print queue. 

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