SenSource Occupancy Monitoring - Application Info

SenSource Occupancy Monitoring - Application Info


SenSource provides occupancy monitoring with heads up display for several spaces around campus (Dining Center, Great Hall, Library, Underground). There are physical, ceiling mounted camera/sensors along with an iPhone app to manually count people.

VendorSenSourceWho can access?Authorized users (see below)
URLhttps://www.sensourceinc.comSupported OSWeb browser, iOS App, FireTV app

ITS/Marketing/CES/Sodexo/Student Life/Library

Vendor Info


800-239-1226 x304


SafeSpace iOS Greeter App

The SafeSpace iOS app allows you to quickly view and adjust the count in your space.

Link to download app https://apps.apple.com/us/app/safespace-greeter/id1521540815

You will need the space code found in VEA, otherwise contact ITS Apps Team for the space code.

Using VEA Web Portal

The VEA web portal allows configuration of advanced

Login to https://vea.sensourceinc.com/

Navigate to SafeSpace > Occupancy to view the space code for your location.

Navigate to Alarms > Configure Alarms to setup notifications for when occupancy reaches a certain percentage or exceeds the maximum.

Navigate to Operating Hours to configure operating hours that will automatically reset the count to 0 for your space

Departments and Users

Main Admins (all locations)

Alex Morford

Judd Martinson

Sodexo (Monson Dining Center)

Amand Edin

Conference and Event Services (Benson & The Underground)

Amy Kelsey

Andrea Hendricks

Kimberly Buggs

Amanda Thompson

Avis Soderstrom

Student Life (The Underground)

Ben Cook

Anna Mogard

Miranda Powers


Gene Kenney

Ann Gannon

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