Transferring & Conferencing in Webex
This Confluence article provides user instructions for transferring or conferencing phone calls within the Webex app. Other Webex-related knowledge base articles are located within the section of Confluence.
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Transferring an Active Call
While already in an ongoing phone call, locate the Transfer button by clicking the horizontal triple-dot button along the bottom row of menu options.
Selecting Transfer brings up the dial pad to dial the recipient.
When transferring to the call recipient, Webex will ask whether you want to “Consult first” or “Transfer now”.
Consult first performs a warm transfer, where it places the original call on hold and calls the recipient of your transfer so you can inform the recipient you are transferring a call over to them. When you are ready to complete the transfer, there will be an available Transfer button that sends the original call over to the recipient and ends the call for you.
Transfer now performs a cold transfer, where it immediately sends the original call to the recipient number you have entered to transfer to.
After transferring the call, your call with the original caller and/or the recipient will end.
Conferencing an Active Call
While already in an ongoing phone call, there are 2 methods to change the call into a conference call (containing 3+ numbers):
Method 1
Method 1 works best when you do not know the numbers that may be joining the conference call, allowing them to call you and making your only task to merge the callers into a conference call.
Begin setting up the conference call by having the 1st joining member dial your phone number. This will ring and be answerable as a standard phone call (options for Answer or Decline appear in the bottom-right notification and open as a new pop-up window).
To switch to a conference call, have the 2nd joining member also dial your phone number. This will ring and present two new answering options in the bottom-right notification: Hold and Answer and Decline.
Select Hold and Answer to place the 1st joining member on hold while you answer the incoming 2nd joining member’s call.
When the 2nd joining member’s call has been answered, two separate pop-up windows will be open for the two separate calls you have ongoing: 1 for the call on hold with the 1st joining member and 1 for the call currently answered with the 2nd joining member (as shown side-by-side in the photo below, with the 1st joining member on the left and 2nd joining member on the right).
The call on hold will present you with options to transfer or resume and include a pause-icon over the profile-icon in their call window. Because you are planning to conference these calls, the options in this call window can be ignored, but these options would perform the following:
Transfer would present you with the standard transfer options to send the 1st joining member’s call away to a different recipient.
Resume would place the 2nd joining member’s call on hold and resume your direct call with the 1st joining member, essentially swapping the menu options between the two calls.
The active call with the 2nd joining member will appear as a standard call. Within this call window is where you will perform the conferencing to join the calls together.
To locate the conferencing options, select the horizontal triple-dot menu button on the active call with the 2nd joining member (highlighted in yellow in the photo above). This will reveal the conferencing options.
Within these options, select the option for Merge. The 1st joining member that is on hold will appear as a side-option, displaying their Caller ID. Select the ID of the 1st joining member to merge the calls together.
Do not select Conference, as that ends up being more steps to get the calls merged than selecting Merge. The features used by the Conference option are covered in Method 2 below.
With the 2 calls merged, repeat steps 2-4 until all joining members are in the conference call.
Method 2
Method 2 works best when you know all the numbers that are expected in the conference call and want to set up the conference call yourself.
Locate the Conference button by clicking the horizontal triple-dot button along the bottom row of menu options.
Selecting Conference brings up the dial pad to dial the recipient.
When conferencing to the call recipient, Webex will put the original call on hold and call the recipient.
Dial the number of the 2nd recipient and press the Audio button to place the call.
When the 2nd recipient has answered the call, you will begin on a call only with them while the 1st recipient is still on hold. When you’re ready to merge the 2 calls into the conference call, click the Merge Calls button on-screen and all 3 numbers will be together on 1 call.
The merged conference call shows the most-recent participant to join on the larger area in the left of the call’s pop-up window and the full participants list in the right column of the window.
Repeat steps 1-2 with any additional numbers that need to be added to the conference call.