Webex FAQs

Webex FAQs

This Confluence article attempts to cover frequently asked questions when using the Webex app that may not have been covered in the other knowledge base articles within the https://betheluniversity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ITSKB/pages/50050320 section of Confluence.

This document will continue to add questions as they are answered for other Bethel employees.

If any questions are still unanswered in this document, please email the ITS Help Desk at helpdesk@bethel.edu for assistance.

To jump to a specific header in this article:

  1. Does Webex use my Bethel login credentials?

  2. My Webex app signed out and my login credentials aren't working to log back in.

  3. Does Webex have a password reset policy?

  4. I have both a desk phone and the Webex app. When I am at my desk, both my desk phone and the Webex app on my computer rings with the incoming call...

  5. The Webex app opens automatically after I sign into my computer, but I only want it open when I am actively using Webex.

  6. Can I use Webex on my mobile phone?

Does Webex use my Bethel login credentials?

No, Webex uses a set of credentials assigned to the account based upon your current phone number and Bethel employee email. Login instructions for Webex can be found in the article for https://betheluniversity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ITSKB/pages/581271558.

My Webex app signed out and my login credentials aren’t working to log back in.

If you are attempting to sign into Webex using the steps outlined in the article for https://betheluniversity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ITSKB/pages/581271558, but your login credentials aren’t working, please email helpdesk@bethel.edu, describing the issue and what your usernames for login are. Please do not provide what you believe your current password is. ITS can assist with a password reset for Webex.

Does Webex have a password reset policy?

Yes, your Webex account requires a password reset to occur within 90 days from the last password reset. Unfortunately, because Bethel’s Webex licenses are procured through our phone vendor, Evolve IP, there is no system currently in-place that alerts you that your password is about to expire.

The methods Bethel ITS would recommend for keeping track of this are:

  • Set a reminder on a device for approximately 80-85 days ahead of the last time your Webex password was reset. When this reminder pops up, follow the steps in the article for https://betheluniversity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ITSKB/pages/582975525 to change your Webex password.

  • Similar to the steps above in the section for “my Webex app signed out and my login credentials aren’t working to log back in“, if your Webex password expires and you aren’t able to login, please email helpdesk@bethel.edu, describing the issue and what your usernames for login are. Please do not provide what you believe your current password is. ITS can assist with a password reset for Webex.

I have both a desk phone and the Webex app. When I am at my desk, both my desk phone and the Webex app on my computer rings with the incoming call. I only want to answer the call on my desk phone without the computer ringing.

To prevent your Webex app from ringing while sitting at your desk phone, the easiest solution is to sign out of the Webex app. This will require you to sign back in the next time you want to use Webex, but will prevent the simultaneous ring in both locations when a call is inbound. Sign-out and login instructions can be found in the article for https://betheluniversity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ITSKB/pages/581271558.

The Webex app opens automatically after I sign into my computer, but I only want it open when I am actively using Webex.

To be answered

Can I use Webex on my mobile phone?

To be answered

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